Choosing the next board.
I started windsurfing 3 years ago on Bic Veloce 310 (151L) and it is still my the only board. I tried once JP X-Cite 122 and Mistral Explosion 145. They felt great so I started thinking of buying a second board - 120 - 133 L. After reading lots of Internet resources I have a feeling that there is not much difference between models and years, at least, if you are not an expert then you wont notice difference between GOOD and GOOD + 5%. So is there any reason to go for an expensive board? I was about to buy Tabou Rocket 125 but then I decided to think about it once more time and ask a very experienced person. Maybe it is good enough to get something older and cheaper, maybe Bic Techno II?
Thank you in advance.
You are correct in your thinking. I buy all my equipment used whenever I can or a new leftover from last years producion. You are getting fairly new technology at a deep discount. If you are buying a used board you should be careful to check it to see if it has any damages or repairs. I personnaly would not buy a board older than 5 or 6 years old. If you now have a Veloce at 151 liters it would be depend on your weight which board would be best to add to your quiver for higher wind. If you tell me your weight I can give you my opinion of the best volume for a smaller board given you already have a light wind board.
learning to surf
Mistral Tarifa