Footstraps adjustment
Hi !
I just bought a brand new Starboard Rio M. on line. The board is fine, but, even following the manufacturer's instructions and after contacting the technical department of the on-line store, who have been as helpful as possible, I am unable to extend the footstraps to adjust them to my foot, which is normal size. I have to admit that I never used straps before. The foot-straps' brand is " Drake ". I have screwed them on, but when it comes to adjusting them and I undo the outer and inner velcros and I pull on the strap with the hand to extend it, nothing happens. They seem to be fixed on a very low setting, with the loop ( or the arch )high enough to fit in the tip of the foot, with the toes, but VERY snug . Actually I was unable to slip the foots in while surfing, because it takes some playing and pushing with the foot, which is ackward to do with precision when the board is wabbling and moving.I am sure the strap should be extended a lot more to allow for an easy insertion of the foot.
Are the straps supposed to be THAT snug ? It doesn't make any sense. Or is there perhaps something I am missing ?
I'd appreciate your comments/instructions
Thank you.
You should definitely be able to adjust foot straps. I have never heard of Drake brand so I am not sure of how they are constructed. All footstraps I have seen have an outer cover which is velcroed down the center of the top of the strap. You open that up and then should see a plastic strap with velcro on it. Pull back the top velcro cover then your should see the top plastic strap and just be able to pull that away from the bottom plastic strap. Hope that helps.
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follow-up to Karens offer of old OBrian parts