Windlovers answers to rigging
Windlover - My son was given a used but in EXCELLENT condition Mistral Pandera. We are experienced sailors but not windsurfers. I saw in another answer a reference you made to prior answers on how to rig but I can't seem to locate "page7" or "page 9" can you point me in the right direction?
And if there is such a thing as an web accessible visual rigging guide that would be most appreciated too.
Hey Bill,
I guess it is set up different for viewers than for me. You will need to go to the dates of the questions. First is 'how do I set up my windsurfer' on 8-16-09. The second is 'running ropes on the sail' on 6-29-09.
There is a diagram and a key for parts on the first question.
For some video on rigging, try in the how to section. There are also a lot of instructional sections there to read.
Also go to and look under Rigging for some video. They show their specific sails but all sails will rig about the same way.
Hope this helps.
Keep on sailing,
Broken mast base
mast base