I have acquired a WINDSURFER made by OBRIEN it has the following info on the board. At Bow it says FREE SAIL SENSATION, AND ABOUT MIDSHIP ON THE HULL IS WRITTEN SYSTEM 62 ALLGAIER. It says made in Germany. It is also aprx. 11'6" tall from tip to stern. I need to find a UNIVERSAL JOINT FOR THE MAST. I believe I have everything else. I see a lot of them for sale but do not know how to match it up to the WINSURFER that I own.
AnswerHey Gordon,
You can get a new u-joint at the link below. Carefully remove your base parts from your old part. Take care not to damage or break anything as the plastic parts are pretty much obsolete. When installing the new parts, use a little Blue (NOT RED) lock tight on the threads.
Hope this helps.
Keep on sailing,