ski club
Hello i don't know if you will be able to respond to my question but i hope so. I'm italian and i have three kids who have gone to ski club all their life, for my husband's job we are moving to the US. I'm afraid my kids will not have the opportunity to find ski clubs there just like the ones in Italy. Can you please tell me how ski clubs work in the US and where they are? thank you so much
Hi Chiara,
I'm not sure if US ski areas have ski clubs similar to what your kids are used to. I do know that many areas have programs for kids that vary from just having fun to racing and freestyle. You would need to check with the local ski areas and ski shops in the area you will be living in to find out what specific programs are being offered. Here is a website that lists all the ski areas in the world and there are usually links to the ski area websites. The US ski areas are listed under US Resorts, then just click on the state you will be living in or, where you feel you will be skiing the most. I hope this will help you find what you are looking for. It is great that you involve your kids so much in skiing. It is a great family sport. I also hope that your move to the US works out for you and your family.
Keep on skiing,
What size skis for a junior racer?
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