Ski repair
I ran ocer my own ski with the other one and took a piece out of top of the ski. Would like to fix this. What kind of epoxy should or can I use?
Hi Donna and thanks for the question
Isnt it clever the things we can do on snow.
Isnt it frustrating when we damage our ski and not ourself.
You can repair the top of the ski if you havent gone too far in.
But before you can - you need to make sure the ski has dried out inside; as moisture in the core will make it expand and warp, thus making it difficult to ski on. Also, it will depend where the actual divit is - too close to the edge and it can be difficult to get the filler to stay in place. But give it a go if you've nothing to lose [or take it to your local ski shop and get them to do it - its quite fiddly].
Once it has dried out, you may need to clean up the area where you need to put the resin/apoxy to assist in adhearance. Then add just a little more than enough and smooth it out to ensure there are no air bubbles underneath.
Alow it to dry and set - then you will need to sand/smooth it back to a flat surface making sureyou dont go too far or it will come out and/or allow moisture in.
Most ski shops can do this kind of repair.
As for the type of epoxy - this isnt my area of knowledge [i just hand my skis over to those who know best whilst i go do somethng more interesting and fun - usually happy hour *smiles*]
but i did find some useful info at the following sites:
or try your ski manufacturer website, sometimes they are useful for more specific info.
goodluck and hope it works
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