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G'morning Lezly,
   I enjoyed reading your bio, especially the part about asking technical questions.

   If you don't mind can you please send me a detailed description on how to do a mohawk properly?

Thanks for your time

Hi Pat,
There are 8 possible Mowhawk Turns. Your question is more complex than meets the eye - however- to begin with, let me start by defining a Mowhawk. A Mowhawk is a 180 degree edged turn, skating (in an arc) from the edge of one foot to the same edge of the other foot ie: going CCW (counterclockwise) - RIF (right inside forward) to LIB (left inside back). This should take you aproximately 1/2 way around a standard figure circle. To complete the circle, you would perform another Mowhawk - ROB (right outside back) to LOF (left outside forward). So 2 Mowhawks would complete a circle turning you 360 degrees as you skate  inside to inside, then, outside to outside.
Going CW (clockwise) you would reverse the proceedure skating LIF to RIB, then, LOB to ROF.
What I have outlined here are 2 Mowhawks turning CCW in a CCW circle & 2 Mowhawks turning CW in a CW circle. These Mowhawks are the core of my Skate 2 level classes for they teach you the use of all 8 edges & are the basis for all figures & edge turns that follow.
As a little Quiz for yourself - name the 8 edges (they are all there in the preceeding passage).
After my Skate 2 student has mastered these Mowhawks, they then learn "Reverse Mowhawks" - turning CW in a CCW circle, skating LOF to ROB, then, LIB to RIF. Then the opposite direction, turning CCW in a CW circle, skating ROF to LOB, then, RIB to LIF. Having learned these, you would have learned all of the 8 possible Mowhawk turns.
The next step would be to perform - on a figure 8 - all 8 Mowhawk Turns with a minimum of connecting steps (strokes) skating CCW onto the first circle RIF to LIB - ROB to LOF, then CW onto the second circle - LIF RIB - LOB ROF; then entering the first circle again, travelling CCW, but turning CW - LOF to ROB - LIB to RIF, then travelling CW onto the second circle, but turning CCW -  ROF to LOB - RIB to LIF.
And last just to confuse you a little more :-) - There are different styles that apply to Mowhawks - in figure skating there are prescribed positions for the free leg which is straight, turned out from the hip joint, with the toe pointed & "traces" the circle. And there is the "Disco Mohawk" which uses the same edges but is performed with a rhythmic bounce. Voila.
I hope I have enlightened rather than confused you. If you have further questions I'll be glad to respond tho the best of my ability. If you need help learning your Mowhawks, & are in the N.Y.C. area you may call me at 212 777-3232 for class info.
Keep Rolling!..................Lezly  

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