Inline Speed Skating
Hello Pat :D
I was looking online at some websites and they said that you should be in good shape before you even start to do inline speed you know if that is true?
and also..all the sites I have looked at all show younger kids in the beginning you know how often they have people in the beginning classes that are over the age of 18? (I don't think we are going to get one in are area any time soon :( ...but I have been e-mailing some places a couple hours away.. but they don't seem to return e-mails)
Thank You so much! :)
Hi Tiger,
No, you do not necessarily have to be in good shape to start inline speed skating. The only thing that they do require is that you know how to skate on inlines.
A good speed team will have set practice times each week where they work on technique, form, endurance and speed. These practice drills will get you in good shape. Unless you've skated on a speed team before or have been very athletic, the average person is not in that good a shape.
Most speed teams have people of all ages and comptetive divisions for each age group. But... not all people who practice with the speed team are interested in competing. Some are there just for the workout. Check with the speed coach to make sure this is allowed if that's what you're interested in. Speed teams are always looking for new skaters in hopes that they will eventually compete but it's not always manditory that you do.
If you need help finding a speed team, let me know where you live and I'll try to help you find one.
Good Luck, have fun and keep skating and practicing.
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