comfortable skates
Hi, What type of skates do you recommend for women who want to skate as exercise and have wider ankles? Regular inline or roller skates can dig into my lower leg/ankle causing a lot of pain. I am desperate to find something that works. I have former skating experience from my younger days (I am in my early forties and a bit overweight).
Thanks so much,
Hi Deborah,
They do make all skates in various widths but you would most likely have to order them through a roller rink so they could advise you which skates come in the wider widths.
But you might find a speed or jam skate very comfortable. They have a much lower boot which does not come up over your ankle.
I don't think you would like a speed inline skate because the boot is rather stiff even though it doesn't come up over your ankle and the wheel base length is quite long verses a regular inline skate.
I do think you would like a speed or jam roller skate though. The boot is softer and rides just below your ankle. The wheels are a little wider than your normal roller skate but they are very popular.
If you plan to skate outdoors make sure you get outdoor wheels. If you plan to skate indoors the wheels that come with the skate should be fine. Most speed skates have a softer wheel than regular roller skates so you'll get a good workout.
You can check your local sports stores, I'm not exactly sure what they carry. I always suggest going to a local roller rink because they have catalogs with many styles and price ranges. They will also be able to measure your foot for a good fit.
I hope this info helps. Have fun and be safe. If I can help any further, please feel free to write again.
buying skates
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