Hi. I am fairly new to the world of skating, and am trying to take advantage of my surroundings. I hve no good skateparks around, so i want to get into street skating. Recently i have been trying to grind curbs. I do have grinding plates, but i cant seem to slide right. I can use my portable rail, but i cant take that everywhere. My Question: Are there any secrets or tips that can help me with this type of grinding?
Hi Tristan,
I really don't know much about grinding but I did find a web site that explains a lot about curbs etc. Copy an paste this web site to your browser and once you get there click on "Curb grinding" It gives some pretty good information.
I'm sure you can find even more info if you use a search engine and type in something like "inline grinding" or something like that.
Sorry I couldn't help you more but this web site should help you out.
Have fun and be safe
buying skates