Wider Width In-Line Skates
I read with great interest your answer to another question about wider width in-line skates. My wife has the same problem - she needs a 2E or 4E shoe. Some of the current in-line skates can be heat molded for an almost custom fit. Would a pair of the heat moldable skates be a solution for this problem that plagues both of us?
BTW, we appreciate you taking the time to share your expertise. Thanks and have a great day.
Hi Don,
I wish I could give you a definite answer - the best I could do is a qualified Yes. Solomon used to make skates that lent themselves to heat molding, but they are out of the inline business now & many shops no longer do heat molding. For example here in NYC - Blades Board & Skate doesn't do heat molding & would lead you to believe that it's a thing of the past, whereas Paragon's skate shop does heat molding still but their technician qualified that, as I could have predicted, that he'd have to see the skate & of course the foot that's going in it.
So, yes that might be a solution providing you find a skate that is close to her size but not quite right & just needs a tweak. The heat molding can stretch a skate just so much, it can't remake a boot. It will work beautifully for something like a bunion or a small area that needs a little more room.
Providing you can find a shop in your area that does heat molding, you can work directly with them in selecting a skate that could be molded to your dimensions. I think that is the key - to find the right shop & work with them from the beginning, in order choose the right skate for your purpose. Good luck to you - I hope you are able to work this out.
Roll On!!!..................................Lezly (director - Lezly Skate School estab. 1979)
inline skate repair
Change break from right to left