adjustable rollerblades
I just got my son used adjustable rollerblades and I cannot seem to make them smaller. Currently the arrow points to the largest size. There's a clip on the side to engage the adjusting mechanism but nothing is moving the way it should. My daughter has them too and I can get hers to adjust. Any tips?
Hi Judith,
I wish I had a tip for you but if you've already adjusted your daughters skates then you already know how they work. It's possible that they are broke and locked in one position?
The only thing I could suggest is to look at the part that moves to see what's blocking it or perhaps the release clip isn't engaging?
I'm sorry I don't have a fast answer for you but without seeing them it's very hard to guess at what might be wrong.
If you can't figure them out maybe you can go back to where your bought them and have them show you how it works or get a refund.
Good Luck, I hope you figure it out.
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