Dear Dave,
I realy need your help. I was wandering if you could give me your best tips for these tricks.
POP shove it
Jumping high when you do these tricks
If you give me these realy good tips than ill recommend you to all of my friends.
Whats up man? Yeah I'll try to help.Heelflip. Easy. I am assuming you can ollie. Put your front foot mid-board and have your foot hang off the side of the board pointing accross the deck. Back foot have in the center of the board on the tip of the tail. Kickflip. Easy enough. Back foot, same place as in a heelflip. Front foot pointing diagonally accross the board about 3 inches form the bolts. Ollie and kinda kick off to the side just catching the nose of the board. Got it? Alright Pop-shuvit. Backfoot a little more to the side on the tail. Keep it close to the tail. Front foot keep in the center of the board. Go to ollie but lift your front foot up at you putt you back foot in to start the spinning. So really your olliing but dragging your back foot so the baord spins. get your feet out of the way. when its done spinnign stomp down and roll away. Word.
First Skateboard
Moving ollie