Hi I Have been skating for one year and I am 12 years old I can ollie,shove it ollie while manuling 50-50 nosestall,caveman and fingerflip but I can not kickflip I do not know what the problem is.. it pisses me off I land it with only my back foot on every time! my front foot just flys right off And I can not get it on the board I've tried forcing it on but I just can't please help me with this problem
It's hard to tell what your problem is exactly from my end since I can't see you, but I'll tell you that the #1 kickflip problem people have is fear. You might not feel afraid but your body is, and you won't land on the board. So, if you try a kickflip and your feet land anywhere but on the board, you chickened out. But, if you can do all those tricks you should be ready for kickflips. So go out in the grass and try them, get the feel for how they work then try them on cement. Practice your ass off! Good luck.
pop and which tail do u ride in the front
backside flips