ollie to grind and stalls
ok, i finally learned how to ollie while moving and i need to learn how to ollie into a grind (any grind). i also need to learn how to stall on a ramp (any stall).
You want to learn 50-50's first. Learn to 50-50 stall on curbs first; you ride up to it frontside (facing the curb), ollie up and land with both trucks on the curb. Simple and easy if you can ollie well. Once you get that, wax a painted curb and do the same thing except try and grind it. As for a ramp, I'm assuming you're talking about mini-ramps, so a rock to fakie will be a good starting point. Make sure you're comfortable on a ramp before trying this, you could get hurt pretty easily. Drop in and head toward the other side. As you come up, lift your front foot slightly to get your wheels above the coping then keep your body leaning forward as you rise above it. Plant your front wheels down and keep your body weight centered. Stall for a second, then press down on the tail to bring the nose up enough to come back into the ramp fakie. Good luck!
thanx a lot max!