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Savage .22

QuestionQUESTION: I have an old family rifle that belonged to my dad & grandmother. The barely readable date on the barrel is Nov. 20, 1917.  The maga


Colt 1911

QuestionCan you tell me the value of a Colt 1911 manfactured in 1918 in very good condition serial #473515 Model Of 1911 US Army AnswerFred, If your pist


kentucky rifle

Question I have a .50 caliber kentucky rifle the serial number is 91804593 im not to good when it comes to muzzle loaders is there anything you can tell


Date of manufature Savage ShotgunI

QuestionI have a Savage/Fox double barrel shotgun Series H,serial #C602660 that I would like the date of when it was manufactured.Thank you. AnswerThere n


Rifle manufacture date

QuestionI purchased a used Stevens model 87A .22 calibur short, long, long rifle autoloading about 1973. the numbers on it are: 2094577 patents 224758 2223


S & W 357 Highway Patrol Revolver

QuestionMy wife was handling her late brothers estate & found the above gun in his house. The auctioneer annt put it the Estate Auction Sale. As the gun ap


Pistol permit Saratoga NY

Question10 years ago I was arrested for battery but the courts dissmissed the case. On my record it says assault dissmissed but when I called the courts th


registering handgun

Question I want to buy a handgun in Texas, and transport it back to NJ on an airline. Any problem registering the gun in NJ? The gun is purchased thru a de


Winchester model 94 30-30

QuestionI own a Winchester model 94 that has no sight cover and has a saddle ring, the bluing has suffered some rust damage(minimal). I was wondering if I


Training/Choosing a Gun

QuestionI am 26 year old female in Morris County NJ who lives alone. I have shot in the past, but only socially on people抯 property and it has been a numbe


old civil war era style pistol

Question revolver i have a 40 caliber pistol i bought and would like to know the background and value of it. it is a fie italy. serial no. 4877. can you gi


ammo for 38 spec revolver

QuestionI have arthritis in my shooting hand. How can I tell how much kick different shells have? On the boxes they list different grs. Does this have any


Revalation 310AB 12 Gauge Shotgun

QuestionBob: My husband bought me a Revelation 12 gauge today at Cabalas for $129.00. I am researching the gun and can not find when this gun was made. I a


id of small pistol

Questioni have what appears to be a small 22 cal pistol, fold down trigger, hammerless, has marking on right side high on frame just in front of cylinder.


central arms double 12 ga with hammer seral 51606

QuestionHow old and value AnswerBrandon, Central Arms was one of dozens of house brand names used by Crescent Davis Arms located in Norwalk, CT.  Cr


Stevens Model 240

QuestionWhat type of ammunition can I use in a Stevens Model 240 .410? I am worried because it is an older gun and that the modern steel shot may damage th


Sig Sauer P238

QuestionIm looking at this for a pocket gun. I have only used a 38 revolver in the past.  Would like to know how easy it is to use, clean,and anything


H & R Handy .410 ga model 4-10-12

QuestionDear Sir, After reading your answer as follows: The H&R Handy gun is a considered to be a NFA III AOW (Any Other Weapon) firearm.  It requires


accidental discharge of rifle

QuestionIn our social studies group at school we are dealing with a number of mock legal cases that deal with the use of firearms. In the specific case th


shaking hands

QuestionI am a law enforcement officer.  I struggle each year with qualifications.  From 10 yards in Im 95-100%.  But when I get to 15 and 2

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