old bb gun
I have my first daisy red ryder BB gun got it when i was 9 or 10 im 65 now and was trying to shoot it but when i cock it bang it goes off all by its self and im trying to find a place to send it to have it fixed and re blued.
hopping to be able to teach my daughter to shoot.
thank you for your time.
B Beck
Hi, Bob
This is where I get the chance to toot my own horn! ;-)
I can handle that job for you. The problem with it going off upon cocking needs to be repaired immediately - that is a dangerous situation.
However, in all fairness, concerning the re-bluing, I must tell you that rebluing an older b.b gun destroys "collector value". So you need to be aware of that.
I can handle that job for you, too! Thus,
I am also aware that a b.b gun of that vintage, sometimes, has started to rust, so refinish is manditory in order to preserve it. So this is something you need to determine - whether or not it should be reblued.
I suggest you check out my website
<http://ahsystems.cjb.net/> from where you can e-mail me with additional questions, for further instructions, and/or mailing address for the repair and refinishing.
Old Injun
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