Interarms/ Mauser Luger Parts
I need a breech block for an Interarms/ Mauser Luger. The pistol was NIB when I got it. I put about a box of shells through it before it started malfunctioning. I took it apart and discovered the broken breech block. I have been contacting people for a week and have struck out everytime. Can you suggest where I could get this part from???? HELP!
First, let me apologize for the lateness of my reply, I've been quite ill lately.
I wish I could be of more help, but aside from contacting the Gun Parts Corp ( I really don't know where else to point you.
If that fails, I'd try taking it to a gunsmith, they might have some parts suppliers among their contacts.
Wish I could be more helpful,
permit to carry a fire arm
AK 47 /AR 15/ FN FAL/ Mini 30