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the right caliber

Hi, I'm a disabled veteran and due to the injury I have I'm losing
my balance slowly. I have a concealed carry permit and currently
own a NAA 22magnum and a amt 380 backup single action. I last shot
a pistol 21years ago and I'm wondering if having a Charter Arms 44
special would be to much recoil and if what I already have is good
enough for defense should that ever come about? I keep hearing about the size of the caliber is important. I just don't want to
get something that I'll regret thereby wasting money. I've just
reawoke my interest in guns after 35yrs so I'm abit behind the
latest gun news. Thanks! Gary

lol, glad to have you back.  A 22. mag is a good round, maybe better than the .380.  Of course bigger is better so a .44 would be better.  I am a fan of the .45 for knock down and reliability.  Not sure if you are familiar or comfortable with autos (semi automatic) or revolvers.  Both have pros and cons.  Not sure how you carry, but for sure you need to shot what you carry at least twice a year the more the better, once every couple of months would be good.  The thing to remember is the bigger the bullet the bigger the recoil and kick, so the more you use it the more you will develop those muscles to handle what you carry.

The more you shoot, the better you will know what works best for you, the more you know what ammo works best and what feels right, this will force you to handle gun, take it apart and clean it more and all handling builds muscle memory so when and if shit hits the fan you will be more proficient and have to think less which will increase your reaction time and help deal with situation.

So whatever you pick, use it, practice with it, clean it and handle it so things become second nature all will increase your chance of survival in a critical incident.

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