12 GAUGE shotgun
QUESTION: i got a remington 870 express combo i bought from a gun shop i had to feel a paper out. and a buddy of mine want to buy it when i sell it do i have to un register it or do U have to have him register it in his name so that if something would happen to gun so that it wont come back on me.
ANSWER: It depends on what state you are in.
If your concerned you could have FFL (gun shop) do the transfer.
Most charge $20 to $25 for this.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i live in gallia county ohio what is ffl so if he want to by it i can tranfer it into his name and he is 100 percent liable for every thing
Federal Firearms License (a gun dealer).
The gun be on file as his.
Its not required but you can if makes ya feel better.
Here laws
age and value.