left side
rite side
I have a old single shot shotgun with no markings on it besides for the serial number on the right side of it 0781 it has a rabbit ear hammer that strikes a firing pin. it has a 32 in barrel. I believe it to be a 16 ga. It has a spring loaded knob on the left side that u push in to break it over. The barrel is octagon at the breach then quickly goes to smooth bore barrel. I would like to know any and all information about this gun that u could provide. Date, manufacture, value, ect. I got more pics if u need. Thanks
AnswerTim, Thank You for bringing your question to me, Unfortunately, I can not give you the answers you seek.
While I have a few shotguns they are modern guns and old/antique shotguns are not my area of expertise. I will say that you should be very careful if you decide to shoot this gun. I would advise taking the gun to a gun smith and having it inspected before attempting to shoot it. A lot of the old shotguns were designed for using black powder shells and built using inferior steel compared to what is available now. Modern smokeless powder loads used today develop much more pressure. This increased pressure can stress the old guns, cause metal failures and end up with explosions that can cause injury and death to shooters and bystanders.
I wish I could provide you with more information on your gun but the answers you need are beyond my knowledge.
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