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Rifle purchase frequency

2016/7/22 9:24:29

Hi Kyle: I just purchased a rifle a week ago here in Calif. I know you live in Michigan but I was wondering if there is any problem with buying another one right away. I'm having my old 22 repaired that I've had forever (dad gave it to me when 7 years old). I'd like to get a Remington 270 to complete what I'm going to be shooting at the range.    Thanks...Glenn


According to the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action website (http://www.nra-ila.org/GunLaws/StateLaws.aspx?ST=CA) there is no "one gun a month" type law in California or any other law that limits how often you can purchase firearms. You should have no problem picking up a Remington rifle in .270 caliber even if you bought a rifle last week.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask and have fun with your new .270.

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