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Pistol Power in Lever Actions

2016/7/22 9:21:19

I have asked Bob H. a question regarding this matter and he was very helpful, however unavailable for a follow up question, so if you don't mind, I would like for you to bestow knowledge upon me. The short version is, my best friend and I are avid hunters in Arkansas, we hunt it all, if it has a season or you can get a permit to hunt it, we're there. We recently had the idea to purchase lever action rifles firing large caliber pistol cartridges. He is obsessed with a .44 magnum and I am quite fond of a .454, but I also do allot of plinking and do allot of coyote hunting.  We both have the ability to reload, we are both college students so funds are not supportive of a 3 dollar per trigger pull firearm, and we can both pop a quarter at 150 yards out with a rifle we're comfortable with.  Now, here is my question or request.  I would like your thoughts, I will probably use mine from coyotes on up to small bear and heavily on boar, he will most likely use his on deer and small bear.   We like uncommon firearms and we like to plink when the wallet allows it. I realize that as Bob put it, this is like "comparing ford vs. chevy," but that being said, as you are much more educated on the subject than I, what are your thoughts on the subject?

Hi Josh,

I'm sure that Bob probably gave you his best advice and opinion/s on the subject. We just get follow up overload from time to time as I'm sure that you can appreciate.

Briefly, I believe that you can do all that you want to do with the calibers and rifles outlined in your question. I do not think that your selection is ideal for some of what you want to do but under your described circumstances it may be the best that you can do.

I have a word of caution about "small bears". Bears are not wimps. I have taken them with everything from 30-30's to 300win. mag. and often a good solid hit will result in a bear going down and getting back up running at full tilt. Oh sure, he will no doubt eventually die but you don't want to be searching the bush for a wounded bear a half mile in if you can avoid it.

My point is, the caliber/rifle will work on bears but you really need to have perfect bullet placement and I would not recommend a shot much beyond 75 yards. Granted this is just my opinion but that is what you have ask for here.

The 44 is going to slow down very fast and a bears anatomy is such that you really want velocity/energy to get the job done. Also remember this, "anything worth shooting once is worth shooting twice". If using the 44/454 I would certainly be planning on a follow up shot if possible. It is cheap insurance.

Sorry, I didn't mean to get into a bear hunting Q&A here but of all that you mention, the bear portion concerns me a little. You can do it, just keep in mind my advice outlined here.

Thanks for the question.
Sid Lark
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