Sako 270 Finnbear
2016/7/22 9:21:19
I have the opportunity to purchase a 270 Sako Finnbear L61R #91335 from an estate sale. Gun looks brand new, has average lumber and has a Bushnell 3x-9x looks like a 35mm scope. A friend handling the estate wants $700. I like Sako's and own a 300 Weatherby Magnum Sako L61R #19441 with a custom tiger maple stock and Redfield Illuminator 3x-12x 50mm AO Scope now.
What do you thing the value is of of each gun
Hi Tom,
The 270 (without scope etc.) in "good" condition has an approximate retail value of $550. Frankly, the Bushnell would not add much value you to the purchase, depending upon model etc. So, I would not factor in much additional (if any) value for the scope.
The "L61R" is a reference to the action used on certain models and also on the Colt Coltsman rifle/s. Most often they were the action on the Finnbear also. However with the custom maple stock, Redfiled, and in 300 W.M., you are looking at a higher retail value of approximately $1000.
Thanks for the question Tom.
Sid Lark
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