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the subject of the jiminez 380auto handgun

2016/7/22 9:12:49

Sorry to bug you i was just concerned about your apparent disapproval of the 380 jiminez model because unfortunately im in the process of purchasing one. In july i am scheduled for my conceal and carry permit and i have never shot that brand of handgun. My main pistol is a Sigma9mm. Should i cancel the payment plan on the 380? The size made it convienent for concealing purposes however if the quality is sub standard i want nothing to do with it. Please mail back. Thank you

Not too familiar but have not heard too many good things about it.  A .380 is really a sub standard round, it is basically a 9mm short.  Light weight, small diameter and slow, all not good for bullet stopping power.

If you are looking for small light carry, I would suggest the Smith and wesson airlite, 357, big kick, fast round, bigger than 9mm. Very light, but a little high price.

Of course my all time fav and I think best defense gun, hands down is the .45 auto, I like 1911 models, but any .45 is a great round for defense.  If I were you I would sell 9mm, and take money from sell and money from .380 and get a nice .45, if you have to shoot someone with a gun you want it to count if you hit them, a .45 is your best chance.

Hope this helps,

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