Weight Training
Hello, I am a freshman in college and was wondering what
type of weight routine I should have during the spring
rowing season, should I do low weight and high reps, or
should I do high weight and low reps?
Hi Jason: The general consensus is to do high reps/low weight for rowing. After all, rowing is all about repetition, stamina and endurance. That said, you have to be careful not to totally blow off heavy weights, or else you will lose a lot of muscle and strength as the season wears on.
I would recommend doing hi-rep circuit training 2-3 times a week and maybe spend at least 1-2 workouts per week doing heavy bench presses, squats and dead lifts, and power cleans.
As for me, when I rowed in college, I was pretty thin and I couldn't afford losing too much muscle mass. Fron DEC to MARCH, I used a heavy lifting regimen that consisted of the following:
MON/THUR: (2-3 Sets of 8 at 70%-80% your 1-rep max)
Bench Press
Dumbell Bench Press
Lying Flyes
Lat Pulldowns (hands facing out and in)
Press Behind Neck
Dead Lift
Bent Arm Pullovers
Tricep Dumbbell raises
Barbell Curl
Dumbbell concentration curls
You can use this routine when you are not doing circuit training.
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