Lightweight Strength Training
Hi Al Pepper,
Since I am really interested in being competitive in women's lightweight rowing I decided I should run more in order keep my lightweight. Whats the most efficient way of combining running with weight training ( in need of more muscle). Currently I am running around 2- 3 miles then doing weights. On days when I do around 5 miles, I do not do weigh training on that day. What do you recommend doing to accommodate both running and weight training?
Hi SD: Finding the right balance of running and weights, while rowing is tricky. The running and rowing kind of counteract what the weights are trying to accomplish -- build muscle. I remember one fall season, I skipped rowing and me and my buddy did 3 to 4 months of very intense weight training. I was skinny, but the amount I could lift was amazing. I was bench pressing almost double my weight. Then I rowed all spring. Of course, rowing, running and erg workouts preventing me from lifting like I did in those previous months. By May, when I tried working out with my buddy again, I must have lost 50% of my strength, as measured by what I was lifting.
As for you, the spring season will be starting in about a month and knowing you are probably putting in a lot of running and erg work, I'd recommend you lift Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Choose a routine that emphasizes core rowing muscles like the chest, upper arms, back and legs. I'd choose weight exercises like:
Bench Press
Lat Pull down
Dumbbell Rows
Lat Rowing Machine
Shoulder Military Press
Squats or squat machine
Leg Press
Tricep Bent arm pullovers
Triceps press down
Barbell Curl
Dumbbell concentration curl
The trick to building muscle is to pick a weight heavy enough that you can handle 2 sets of 8, but by that last repetition, you are feeling it. When you can handle 10 reps, move up in weight.
See if you can get by with running just on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Unless you have a race, make sure Sunday is a rest day. You're body will need a day to recuperate.
Good Luck/AP
Flyweight 2k
Rowing inquiry