highschool crew
I am a freshman girl and just tried out for crew. Having never ergged before my 2000k score was 9:13 is this a competitive score?
Do you think I could make the novice team?
Hi Ann: Congratulations on completing your first erg test. I bet you were pretty tired when you were done. For women your age, the average time is 8:38. The good news is your time will generally go down with more practice and conditioning.
Most crews tend not to cut their rosters as the sport has a high attrition rate anyway. So if you stick with it, you should find a boat and a seat to compete in.
For your next erg piece, try to keep your 500 pace at 2:15 or better. If you see yourself going over 2:15, try to do a "Power 10" where you kick the stroke up a couple of beats and emphasize a more powerful stroke for 10 (or 20 strokes).
Good Luck/AP
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