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Can you recommend somewhere that sells used, cheap, Concept2s?

2016/7/22 9:48:23

QUESTION: Mr. Pepper,
I currently own a Spartan Sports Magnetic Rower that I got for $175 when I just started rowing. However, after about 8 months of rowing on it, my rower is already starting to break down.

It is also very small and different in design compared to a Concept2, so much so that when I started rowing for the first time using a Concept2, I realized that rowing on a smaller machine caused me to develop some bad habits that slowed me down. I really want a Concept2 rower, but after browsing online I've found that they sell for about $900. I don't think I will be able to pay that much for one. I have heard that Concept2 rowers last a long time, so I wouldn't mind getting a used one. Do you have any suggestions where I could possible buy a used model? I know this might slightly sound ridiculous, but could I possibly get a used one for under $500?

Also, what has been your experiences with different models? I'm looking more for a Model C or up, but I don't really know the difference between the different models.



ANSWER: Hi Sophia: I typically go to two places when I want to find something used to buy -- Craigslist and eBay.  I didn't see much on ergs on Craigslist, but I did see about 4 or 5 CII ergs on eBay for $550 and under.  I even saw this one, starting at $60 (see link below):


I think you can get one at your target price.  The tricky part is getting one near where you live.  I think you are right to pursue a CII erg.  All other rowing machines are really junk. I think you are also wise to pursue a Model C or better.   A Model B is pretty old and a Model A looks more like a bicycle than a rowing machine.  Here is a good comaparison of the models:


Good Luck/AP

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again Mr. Pepper,

Do you have any experience rowing on a Model B? On Craigslist there is a very cheap model B close to where I live. (I live in the middle of nowhere so "close" means a 4-hour drive) I was really surprised at the price difference between a Model B and C. I know that Concept 2 ergs last a very long time, and the owner claims that it runs very smoothly. Would you not recommend buying one due to its age? I will be rowing around 20,000 meters/ week on it.

Also, do you know if the resistance levels on Model Bs can be adjusted? Do you have any other brands that you could recommend besides the Concept 2?

Hello Again, Sophia: I recommend you go ahead and buy it.  The "B" is up there in age.  I first rowed one in 1991 I think.  But if it looks like it is in decent shape, I think you are getting a good deal.  After all, it's just like a bicycle and bikes last for a hundred years.  The quality of a CII erg is well-known and well-earned.  I'd probably have my 1986 Model A if idiot movers didn't take it apart and destroy it.

As with any Model B and up, there is a damper that allows you to control air resistance.  The higher the setting, the more resistance.  Choose something in the middle for the most realistic feel to on-water rowing.

I simply don't have much experience with other rowing machines and/or have been unsatisfied with other rowers.

Good Luck/AP
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