rock center/rope centers cumbria
I'm a rock climber from cumbria and i would just like to know if there is any centers ive been missing out on. I've been to Kesick and various out door corries but the winter nights and weather are drawing in and i would like to know if there is anymore centers, indoor, around cumbria itself. I would be most greatful for a reply. Ann
There are a number of rock centers around cumbria itself but the one that i have found most enjoyable is Kendal. It isn't hard to find and instructors are very polite. There are various wall rooms to explore consisiting of a chamber and three bouldering walls each that i have found the problems a chalenge. Best to visit their website. i think thats it nodoubt you have been on cumbria climbing website you should get a link from there. Good luck have fun stay safe. There are also walls and centers in ambleside you should check out. And the one wall in carlisle is being restord which should be good. Hope i have helped. Em
I was woundering if you could...