Can you please send me a simple diagram of how to set up a belay anchor when lead climbing, what do i clip into and using what? Thanks a lot for your time your advise is better than ever.
Basically you can tie in to either a chain already at the top of the route or a simple bolt. If neither these are there i would advise a big tree or stake or something sensibly looking like a good anchor. Slings and krabs are often used when it comes to anchors. I would deffinatly advise reading a book on this it will show you so much more than i can show you. First though get the right kit. Karabinas and slings are assential and stating the obvious but a few quick draws would be a good idea.
I have searched for a good diagram but i really cannot find one.
There are just so many books, though, that have all the basics of anchor points and what to use.
If i was there personally it would be a piece of cake to show you.
Sorry if i haven't really helped with this its quite difficult to explain in an email.
Good luck!!
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