I have private land with a 75 ft. cliff on it. I just bought a hand drill and bolts, but have yet to recieve them via mail. How long does it take to drill for a 3/8 bolt.
The answer to that greatly depends on the type of rock in which you wish to place bolts. It also depends a little bit on the length of the bolt you wish to place.
If your rock is granite, basalt or another very hard rock, expect to take 30 to 45 minutes to hand drill and install a 3/8 inch diameter bolt.
In softer rock like sandstone or perhaps limestone, you can cut that time in half.
The amount of time you spend is also slightly dependant on your body position while you are drilling. If you are at the top of the rock it will take less time than if you are trying to balance on a small ledge half way up the face.
My recomendation is to drill a couple of practice bolt holes on small, loose, head sized rocks, so you get the rhythm of hit-twist-hit-twist-...
Good luck.
safety and equipment
running belay