Need some tech advise
Hello, we recently were backpacking on Colo. approx. 12000 ft. and we lost our backpacks down a gully, the skree let loose. My ques. is I need to go back and see if I can recover them. We thought some local people there were going to get them, but I guess there too busy. I am going to cut across the tree line and check out the lower part first, but if it comes down to repelling down the gully, how is one supose to climb back up. I top rope a lot but never repelled into a gully and then have to climb out. Do I need several ropes and tye nots in one for the up climb? How can you up climb up over the lip of the rock? I will be repeling with a figure 8. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks James
I would suggest either ascenders or a prusik knot. Depending on the distance and how much you want to spend.
This site shows the different alteratives. You can get the gear at your local climbing shop or from I would suggest, if you don't have a rope now, you should use a static rope if you use a mechanical ascender because the sheath is tougher. If you do have a rope and it is dynamic, it won't hurt too much, just don't make it a habit. Hope this helps,
Climbing injury
Getting back