bouldering comparison
been boulderin quite a while now
im not amazing, i can push V6
but its fun
i just wanted to know on a rough guesstimate how well an average V6 could lead
ive only ever had access to walls of 5.9 and they were jokes, but i really struggle on 5.10...
whatev just lookingt for some insight
this is a website that converts "V" boulder ratings to 5.xx ratings. you should not expect to climb at that level though. there are may other things to consider like length, if it overhangs or slabs, etc. If you can climb an accurately rated V6 boulder problem, I would expect you to be able to climb in the 5.11 on lead once you have done it enough to become confortable with clipping and built up your endurance.
sorry about the delay, i was getting error mesages when trying to open allexperts. Thanks for the question
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rock climbing bay area