why do we do it
i have a report to do in school an my subject is climbing why do we do it
so why do we do it there is the q where is the a
Not to preach, but I had to read your question 4 times to understand what you were asking. Punctuation and capitalizing would have helped a good deal. I was very close to not responding at all. This was borderline rude.
The true answer to your question is that the reason for climbing is in the hearts and minds of each climber. If I were doing this report, I would go to the local climbing gym or climbing area and ask a wide veriety of people why they climb. Don't limit your selection to one group of people, ask men, women, children, people of all ages. You will find some common themes like for exercise or for the social aspects, etc. You will also find some unique ones.
I personally climb for the above two reasons. I also enjoy the intense focus acheved when climbing a route. I don't think about anything else except the task at hand. The rest of the world is shut out. The other day I began a route by hitting my forearm on a hold with such force as to cause bleading, swelling and a good amount of pain, though I didn't realize it was that bad until I was down because I was so focused on completing the route. That is why I climb. It is an excape from reality without the negative effects of drugs or alcohol and all of the good effects of exercise and positive social activity.
Sorry for the preaching, thanks for the question, hope it helped.
hi, i am 14 years old and...