no more rugby
i'm 29 years old. is it too late to start climbing/mountaineering. i've given up playing rugby and need to do something. i've been backpacking, hiking and the like for years. i figured that climbing/mountaineering might fill that void of not playing rugby.
Hi Greg,
Short answer, absolutely not. I think climbing could give you the strength workout that compliments your backpacking and hiking.
I'd suggest that if you have friends that are climbers you ask to tag along a time or two to see if it's what you're looking for. If you can use their gear, that would be a plus too. Beginning equipment (harness, shoes, and belay device) will cost about $100 - $200. If you don't know anyone, your local gym probably has a beginner's class you can take, and gear to rent when at the gym.
The one technique suggestion I will give is to remember to use your feet. Beginners, especially guys, tend to try to do pull-ups all the way up the wall. Your legs are much stronger than your arms and are as important, if not more, than your arms and hands.
Good luck, and let me know if you have any other questions when you get started.
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