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5K Race Improvements

QuestionIm 62 and weigh 163 lbs. I enjoy running 5k races for the competitive motivation. I usually finish about middle of the pack at about 28 minutes. I



Questionwhat good running treadmills would you suggest? thanks, art AnswerHi Art Sorry i really cant help with this situation,i dont keep up with them.Th


Shoulder pain

QuestionWhen I run longer distances, my  left shoulder often starts to hurt (I would say 75% of the time.) Its not really sore, and the pain is consta


pulled muscle

QuestionHi John I have started training for a marathon and the other day I pulled a muscle in my calf - only very, very slightly - while doing nothing more


Various Problems while Jogging!

QuestionI am 20yrs old and 73kgs and i think i my hieght is 5-7.... Plz help me on this one! I have started to Jogg again after one and a half month! and


Losing weight

QuestionI want to be able to run.  Unfortunately im 59 and i weigh 276.  Obviously running is probably not the best idea.  I assume i should


Marathon runner nutrition...

QuestionMr. DeHart, I was hoping you could elaborate on a marathon runners nutritional intake immediately before their event (1-2 days).   This


Bummed :-(

QuestionYesterday, I was doing my fitness test for the FBI.  I passed the sit-ups, sprints, and push-ups, but failed the 1.5 mile.  We got very l


bad calf pain

Questionhi. Im really hoping you can help me out on this. Im 15 yrs. old, 56 and I play varsity soccer (mid-field) at my high school. Two weeks ago I had a


jogging vs. walking

QuestionHi Rick, I am wanting to lose weight before my vacation in Aug.  I used to run several years ago, but after running a while my shins hurt. &nb


Fluid/blood in knee

QuestionI have been running regularly from past two years inspite of swelling and knee pain and was least bothered. My friend suggested me to put ice and i


beginning to run again

QuestionI am 37 and want to get back into shape. I ran the 2 mile in H.S. and would like to get back into running. How should I get started? At my age, sho


training for a half/marathon

QuestionJohn, I have been running. I run three miles three times a week and on the weekend do a longer run.  Last Sat. I ran 6 1/2 miles and this Sat


Running on Tar Road

QuestionI am 30 yr old, weight 78 kg, i used to run in a week 4-5 days only. For 10min i used to run and then walk.And again i used to run and then walk. B


Dull Hamsting Pain

QuestionIn July 2007 I completed a marathon.  In weeks leading up to the marathon (during my taper) I felt I strained my right quad just above the kne


My first marathon

QuestionHi Ryan, I am interested and my goal is to run my first half marathon by Nov/08 in Big Sur, CA. Is there a book i should read to learn about what t


Jogging Itch

QuestionIve always wanted to be fit by running though i do weights training. But Im always put off running by the itches that happen on my legs after 10or


Long-time runner and staleness, weight

QuestionQUESTION: Dear John, Im 52 and have been running for over 25 years (five or six days a week. The only breaks in running Ive had is when Ive backpac


long time runner, staleness and weight

QuestionDear Ryan, Im 52 and have been running for over 25 years (five or six days a week. The only breaks in running Ive had is when Ive backpacked three


Manual treadmills

QuestionRick I want to start running again as I believe its the best exercise for losing weight. I am pretty shy about running outside and besides it freez

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