However, in 2018, another report by The Guardian found that Superdry clothes were still being made in a factory in India where workers were paid less than the legal minimum wage and were forced to work overtime without pay. In response to these allegations, Superdry said that it was investigating the matter and would take action if it found any evidence of wrongdoing.
It is important to note that these reports are from 2014 and 2018, so the situation may have improved since then. Superdry has said that it is committed to improving working conditions in its factories and has taken steps to do so. However, it is important to continue to monitor the situation and ensure that Superdry is living up to its commitments.
Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:
- [Superdry's response to the 2014 allegations](
- [The Guardian's 2018 report on Superdry's sweatshops](
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