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running/jogging hip injury

Hi John,
I've been running for almost 2 months. About 2 weeks ago I pulled a groin muscle on my right side. I took it slow and decided to stave off running for 2 weeks and do mild weight training and pilates until I felt better. Along with the groin pull I also had, and still have, hip pain on my right side. It went away a bit when I stopped running those 2 weeks but I started back up and while my groin doesn't hurt anymore, my hip does. I think I may that I need new running shoes. I usually run on dirt tracks. I've exercised before but never running. I would like to get to my usual exercise: kickboxing. I've never had any real pain doing that but I'm afraid I'll injure myself seriously. Anyway... can you help, please?

Hi Veronica
You have an imbalance which has to be corrected and stregthened.Get back to basics with a weight program,all body parts with a focus on core work and abductor adductor for the hips with leg extensions, leg curls.And yes shoes will help, but is not the cause of the problem.If you have any more questions get in touch.

Best regards


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