severe pain right below calf during and after running
I am a 33 year old male who has always been in good shape. I played high school and some college football and have never had problems with my legs. For the last 3 years I've had a desk job, so I've put on about 30 pounds. I have been somewhat inconsistent with staying in shape. Just recently I started running again, and found that after about 10-25 minutes I get severe pains beneath both calf muscles. Also, I've noticed that the area on the inside of both legs beneath the calf is incredibly sensitive. My daughter who is 4 just leaned on one of my legs on the inside and I about jumped through the roof. Do you know what could be causing these pains and what I could do about it? Thank you very much
Hi Jack
Your description tells me shin splints on the inside lower calf and achiles.Ice,ice,ice for both and 500mg vit c with 3 meals a day.Cut your running for a couple a weeks and walk quickly or go to exercise bike.The most important thing is a consistent program with ice and working out and a ton of patience which us jocks lack from time to time.Remember jack this is a life program so be cool and work your way back gradually.You no the drill.If you have any other questions just get in touch.
All the very best
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