New Running Shoes
I am 58 years old, and jog three times a week for about 30 minutes. My feet tend to supinate and I have very steep arches. I need to replace my old Gel Asics with a new pair of running shoes. I looked at Asics and there is a bewildering number of different models, not to mention other brands on the market. I run on pavement, so want something that is comfortable. I need more cushioning than stability. Can you recommend a good Asics shoe for this purpose?
I have never worn a pair of Asics in my life...I used to get shoes from Nike and Fila. I do know that people who wear Ascis usually don't like Nike, and vice versa so I can't really recommend one. I would definitely recommend staying with Asics. If the pair you have been wearing is good, stay with that model...if it is not available anymore, try looking at the following website and you may find it. My neighbors started a website a few years back for getting shoes that are hard to find anymore. It is
numb feet
deep calf pain