running and knee/joint pain
I am a former college track runner. It has been approx. 7 years since I competetively trained in any running. I began my initial training for a 9 mile race 2 months after having my second child. I started off slow...only jogging 2 miles a day with a lot of stretching. I am 5'5" and 140 lbs. and still have fairly good muscle tone. Already...I have terrible joint pain on both sides of my knee..on both legs. What can I do about this? Do I have to stop running?
It has been awhile since you ran and the body needs to adjust. Make sure you have new shoes that fit well, stretch, take ibuprofen to help reduce swelling, and ice afterwards. See if it gets better and try running on grass maybe. If it persists, see an ortho.
Sprint triathlons
5K training