Pain in my foot
I recently decided to get back in the gym and get into shape. The first day I was in the gym, I jogged 4 miles in a little over an hour. I didn't feel like I was overly pushing myself, however, I developed a pain in my foot immediately after my jog. The pain has continued when I walk on my foot 24 hours later. The pain is on the outside of my left foot, right below my ankle. It is in a similiar place as spoke about by a 14 year old you anwered who was overtraining. Any ideas on what this could be? Should I just lay off for a couple of weeks and try again?
Most likely it isn't serious...just overuse. If you haven't worked out a lot and then went out and ran for an hour, with all the pounding you aren't used to, you probably just strained or over worked your ankle. YOu should ease back into exercise.
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