hip pain from jogging?
Hi there, I have been experiencing rather bad hip pain for the past week. I have been a treadmill walker, but wanted to start adding jogging to my routine. I had this problem a couple years ago when I was walking and adding just a little jogging. I went to the doc and they put me on a motrin type drug for a week (Etodolac) I have had the problem since, just not that bad. Now it is back as I have tried to add jogging back in. I am back on the med for a week and off the treadmill. Could this be because of the jogging? I am 40 and could use about a 20 lb weight loss. I want to be active but feel like I can't because of this pain. Could it be something more serious? Thank you in advance for any help...Mary
Hi Mary
First thing i would do is stop using the (Etodolac)and any other meds.The reason for this is you don't want to mask the situation.The discomfort is your body talking to you and saying fix me and treat the cause and then i will go away.It is not specifically the walking or jogging that created the problem.This is also not serious and can be corrected with a lot of patience and consistent rehabbing.Probably just some tendonites do to some of the things i mentioned below. Picture this mary,our body and frame work and musculature,tendons,connective tissues all work together in our daily life and the activity of choice.If at any time any one part goes out of alignment or out of balance it effects others.What i'm saying mary is you have to start puting your bidy back in balance and alignment.Things you need to do are light stretching upper body, lower body,ab work,back extentions,adductor,abductor,stationary bike for retracking hips knees and strong quads.The most important thing to remember when you start the rehabbing is you have to have a lot of patience and be consistent with the workouts.This is going to take some time,but just relax since this is insurance for the future and will keep you out of the doctor office.Yes you can continue to walk and jog while your working on the things i mentioned.If you other questions just get in touch mary.
All the very best
First Marathon Jitters
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