Marathon runner nutrition...
Mr. DeHart,
I was hoping you could elaborate on a marathon runner's nutritional intake immediately before their event (1-2 days). This would include carb loading and calorie intake. Also, I was wondering where I might find some good sources on the net or affiliated journals to further expand my knowledge on the subject. Thank you for your time.
Hi Bill
Just a good balance with focus on carbs,light on fiber foods and stay away from heavy meats and to much protein.The foods you really will run on are the diet 1 to 2 weeks before as you taper your miles and intensity.Carbs such as potatoes,pasta,rice.Nancy clark has a good book and has been around for a long time and no's her stuff.She is in boston.Just google her for info.Not that complicated.It is all about training and proper preparation months in advance.If you have other questions just get in touch Bill.
All the best
Bummed :-(
Losing weight