I am a 47 year old man, 5' 7" and weigh in at 190 (down from 260 last October) I've been walking for about ten years but now I'm into the running thing and running -or rather jogging- 4 miles a day X 6 days a week at around a 10 minute per mile pace. My question is: I seem to be getting *slower* and having *less* energy for my runs than just a few weeks ago. Any idea what gives? Thanks
It is not possible to continually get faster. There are times of plateaus and times where you may think you are slower. It is possible you have a "bug" or infection and don't know it....or extra work stress, or less sleep, many factors can affect running times. Focus on overall time, or the mileage and not the speed. You may be pushing yourself everyday to run faster and have worn yourself out some. You'll come around.
Mini-Marathon Training
sore calf muscles