shooting knee pains
Hi, i've been running 3 x 3 miles per wk and completed a 10k in may with no probs. Out running one night i suddenly got a sharp shooting pain in my right knee and it felt "locked" and almost like it would give way. I walked home, presuming if i rested it'd pass. That was 5 wks ago and i haven't run properly since, the last run i tried, i didn't even get half a mile and the pain was there, shooting on the outside of my knee. the day after the run, my knee nags and is uncomfortable but i have no knee pain apart from this. I have seen a sports physio, had the all clear with xrays and have been in physiotherapy strengthening my quads for a few wks now but am losing my mind cos nothing is working and noone seems to have a clue what is going on! A patella band just means the other knee hurts and i bought some supportive shoes cos i pro-nate but still the pain is there.
Hi Kristy
You seem to have a tracking and alignment problem.The best tool for it is stationary biking with med tension and high spin.I would reccomend 45 min 3 to 4 times a week and have a great deal of patience and be consistent.It is hard to predict how long it will take,but this does wonders.Let me know how it is working for you Kristy.Any other questions just get in touch.
All the best
Knee swelling with no pain
Core temperature