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Pain behind knee when idle

When I workout the pain is not there. It's when I am sitting or just not working out that I feel an annoying ache behind my knee more to the exterior of the left knee but still behind.  Also, from mid buttocks down about 3" I feel an annoying pain when idle.  Someone thought it could be my IT Band. I'm just not sure.  When I stretch it feels great. I took a day or two off and it still bothered me. Any insight would be great.  Thank you.

Hi, Kelly

To be honest, I'm not sure what might be going on with your knee.  However, make sure to see a doctor, physical therapist, or sports trainer for more insight as to what could be going on with your knee and such.

Until you can see a professional, I would not workout and keep very good track of where you experience pain, for how long, and what you are doing when you feel the pain.  That will help in determining what could be wrong.

Good luck.

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