Workout Routine
QUESTION: I want to get in shape and start running. The problem is I need a routine. What routine would be best?
ANSWER: Hi Garret
The first thing i need is what you want to get in shape for and what your goals are and a bio of age,height, weight,present and past history of exercise.Get me this info and then i can properly give you the appropriate routine.
All the best
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Well im 5'7'' and I weigh 180 lbs. My goal is to be a faster runner and to weigh under 170 lbs. What I really want to know is how often I should run my 2 miles. Recently I have done it every other day. Is that good?
Hi Garret
I would recommend a 6 day schedule of training with 2 speed workouts and 1 long run of 3 times the length of your easy days and the other 3 days just run easy.Below is how it would look.I'll put it in minutes which is much easier to work with.You can do miles if you want.
M..20 to 30min easy
T..20 to 30min alternating 2min hard with 1min easy after a 10min warm up
W..same as monday
T..same as monday
F..same as tuesday
S..long run 3 times your easy days but relaxed east pace
As you move along with the schedule you can ajust the miles or time up or down as you feel.Along with a good solid balanced diet without the junk you should make real fast progress and have some fun with the variety.If you have any other questions just get in touch Garret.
All the best
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