Sore knee from running
I'm a 51 year old male who just started running two months ago to try to lose some weight and for the last 30 days I have had a lot of pain on the inside of my right knee. It's a little swollen and very tender. I have tried ice and a few pills but the sore knee is still with me every day.
I still walk my dog every day and that doesn't seem to help. Do you have any ideas for me? Thanks,
ANSWER: Hi Derek
I need a little more information from you in regards to your weight,height,past and present exercise program and how much you want to lose.Ice is good ,but pills forget about them.If you want to call me to expedite your situation just go to my web site for the number and call any time Derek.I'll take care of it quickly.
All the very best
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi John, Thank you for your quick response. My weight is approx.235 LB and my height is 6'-3" I was playing tennis without any problems a year ago but this is the first time I have done any running/jogging in 10 years or so.I do play lots of golf and very worried about this sore knee that won't go away. The knee is in constant pain on the inside only. I'm not sure if I should be resting it or a little exersize?. I have put in a call to my Docter but can't get in for a few weeks. Thank you again,Derek
Hi Derek
Most injuries are directly related to alignment and tracking,and the best tool which produces great results is a stationary bike 3 to 4 times a week with med tension and high rev 90rpm.Stay off all meds,they just mask the situation.Ice is good.You can trace back when the situation started with 98% accuracy and what caused it.Probably a tendon.Google KNEE for pictures to help you pin point the spot.It could also be a bursa which you could also google.I would just stick with the bike for a while and give it a chance to heal and work.Let me know how your doing and progress and any other questions just get in touch Dereck.Let me know how the google search works and any more info on pin pointing the area.
All the best
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